Monday, October 30, 2006

alas I share my poetic side

Starting over is never easy
It is always easy to run
To find an angel is rare
But warms as a the sun
It comes with what seems little effort to “fall in love”
That’s why It is called falling
We can do that without effort
we serve thinking not of ourselves
We swoon, fly and sail the winds
following our inspiration
And turning to our hearts desires
We give selflessly
And we don’t notice, it is falling

A smile, a look, a touch, a caress
Become the wind beneath our wings
We soar as an eagle
We buzz like a humming bird
And have the grace of a dove

Nights become short periods given to conversation
Days long periods of dreaming
And all the while we fall
We are smiled on by the angels
Our hearts are kissed, And

The truth is we grow
Phillip Archibald

1 comment:

Cindy and Phil said...

So glad I was able to "fall" in love with you and look forward to "growing" with you...I'm the luckiest person in the world!!!